Autumn term

I wonder what makes me special?

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The key focus for this term is to support the children to settle into their new routines, to become familiar with their new environment and each other.  We will also be completing a Baseline Assessment to establish each child’s starting points.  This is done in a practical, play based way.  We will be spending time getting to know each other this half term and finding out what makes us special. 


I wonder who is in your family?  Is it different from your friend's family?  We will celebrate our similarities and our differences and learn how to share our space together.  


I wonder what's above me?

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What’s in Space and how will we get there?  Which planet do we live on? What makes Earth special?  Does the Earth move? Why does it rotate?  Discuss and explore ways of looking after our planet: recycling/energy saving.Talk about how the Earth spins to create day and night.  What would it be like to visit the moon?  Exploring astronauts/ 1st moon landing .  Which planet is nearest the sun and which is the furthest away? Can we name the planets?

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