Spring Term
Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fraction, Mass and Capacity
Fiction: Setting Narrative.
Non-Fiction: Information Leaflet |
Fiction: Return Narrative.
Non-Fiction: Letters |
Science – Rocks and Soils; Light and Shadows
Geography – What are rivers and how are they used?
Who lives in Antartica?
RE –What does it mean to be religious according to most Muslims?
Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?
Computing -Computing systems and networks 2: Emailing
Computing systems and networks 3: Journey inside a computer
Design and Technology - Digital World: Electronic Charm
Art- Sculpture and 3D Abstract shape and space |
PSHE/Wellbeing - Resilience, diet, making a difference, Rights of the child and shared interests
Music -
PE- Swimming Tag rugby, gymnastics, hockey and dodgeball |
Please see the knowledge organisers in the 'files' for further information.