Spring Term



Place value (within 20), Addition and subtraction (within 20), Place value (within 50), Length and height, Mass and volume






Hermelin: The Detective Mouse

   Hermelin the Detective Mouse by Mini Grey   

   Detective Narrative and Letters



Where the Wild Things Are - WikipediaWhere the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

                             Portal Narrative and Non-Chronological Report




Read Write Inc


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Science –  Animals: Sensetive Bodies/Comparing animals 

Geography – What is it like to live in Shanghai? Link to Lunar New Year celebrations

History - 

RE How do people decide what is right or what is wrong? How does celebration bring the community together? Easter

Computing Introduction to Data

Design and Technology - Make a moving story book

Art - 

PSHE  Gender stereotypes, Understanding my emotions, Ready for bed, Handwashing and personal hygeine

Wellbeing -  Making mistakes 

Music - 

PE -


Please see the knowledge organisers in the 'files' for further information.

Files to Download


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