Spring term


White-Rose-logo.jpg Multiplication and Division; Fraction; Decimals and Percentages; Perimeter and Area; Statistics










The Hound of the Baskervilles - Penguin Readers    Cliffhanger Narrative and Formal Report       The Promise | Centre for Literacy in Primary Education     Character Narrative and Newspaper Report



Steps to Read


Developing reading strategies for retrieval, summarising, inference, predictions and explaining word meaning. 




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Science –  Materials: Properties and changes; Life cycles and reproduction

Geography – Why do oceans matter?

History - What did the Greeks ever do for us?

RE What makes a good leader worth following? ISLAM; How have expressions of worship changed over time?

Computing Programming Music with Scratch

Design and Technology - Mechanical systems making a pop up book

Art - Sculpture and 3D: Interactive installation

PSHE Our Safety - Rule of Law & Individual Liberty; Our Similarities & Differences - Mutual Respect, Tolerance, and Individual Liberty

Wellbeing -  Connect: Working together; Give: Apologising


Please see the knowledge organisers in the 'files' for further information.

Files to Download


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