Summer Term


White-Rose-logo.jpgFraction, Money, Time, Shape, Statistics. 












Fiction: An Egyptian Mystery.


Non-Fiction:Secret Diary

Into the Forest.png

Fiction: Lost Narrative.


Non-Fiction: Newspaper Report



Steps to Read





Unit E - Egyptians.png Unit E - Egyptians. 1 png.png
Unit F- Reading Breadth- Stories and Plays & Poetry.png Unit F- Reading Breadth- Stories and Plays & Poetry. 1 png.png



download (2).png



Science –  Plant Reproduction 

                     Does hand span affect grip strength?


History – What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?

                   Why did the Romans settle in Britain?


RE How do people show they belong to a community?

         Do all Jewish groups mark important events in the same way?


Computing -Creating Media: Video Trailers

                       Data handling: Comparison cards and databases


Design and TechnologyStructures: Constructing a castle 


Art- Craft and design: Ancient Egyptian scrolls


PSHE/Wellbeing - Budgeting, appreciation and keeping safe out and about


Music - 



PE-  Dance, cricket and athletics


Please see the knowledge organisers in the 'files' for further information.










Files to Download


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